Un-Gmod Wiki
180px-Gordon Frohman

"I would like one of those Deep fried potaters"- Said Forrest Gump as he orders from McDicks their Weekly Special.

The Combine Advisors are mutated potatoes that like to eat deep fried humans, and throw around everything that comes close enough to their magical throwing field. If this isn't enough to kill a human, they will stick their long tung into their neck, or another place on females. They rule every world known in our and all other universes.


A company named Apear-to-be-good-science started to do experements on potatoes, growing them really large and putting fancy electronics with unpronounceble names like Megaflextronometer or Actniterojammer and other shit like that. The started to grow them in Chernobyl witch made them larger and nearly as hairless as kleiners head. Apear-to-be-good-science used their blue and orange hole machine to send them to the moon, from witch they escaped and started to ming around with the vortigaunts and all the other ugly creatures of xen. The vortigaunts got angry left the server to try out another server planet called earth, which where inhabited by noobs named humans. The potatoes followed to get revenge on the uugly creatures and the mean humans, who formerly abused their people.
