Un-Gmod Wiki

— A Rebel shortly before getting tazed by Metropolice
Combine icon
For those born without a sense of humour, Combine OverWiki has an article on Combine.

Butt rape Combine Soldier

A Combine Mind Eraser. Notice the anal probe going up behind him.

The Combine are some race that rules almost every part of the universe and all of the other parallel universes. Their leader was George W. Bush, but he was overthrown from the chair by Dr. Breen. They use weird devices like the Suppression Field and butt rape the Combine mind eraser(much like the one the Government has).


The current dictator leader is Dr. Breen who has overthrown the last leader. Dr. Breen actually has people potatoespotatoes   that tell him what to do, so he's just a lowly representative, Dr. breen is married to Xave, a mutant zombie piece of shit (literaly).


Combat Technology[]

This type of technology is the kind of tech that include stuff that goes pew pew pew and boom. There's no Combine hippies, so no one cares about destruction limits.

AR2 - is a fully retarded automatic gun that shoots dark energy plasma. It pulses for some reason and the Overwatch Elites like the pulse near their groin a lot. It is unknown why the Metropolice or the Combine Soldiers don't like the pulse as much.

Combine Sniper Rifle - one of the useful weapons that you can't use or see without Hax. It is used by Combine Snipers who waste it's ammo on stop signs, Gordon Freeman, Pigeons, and anything that moves. Strangely, when a Combine Sniper uses it, you can't see the weapon, only a blue laser coming from the sniper's groin.

Shotgun - Something that the Combine made. This be crap compared to pre-Combine war Human weapons like the Spas something and Famas.
